May 15Liked by Melissa Cullens

This is beautiful, and why am I unsurprised that you're as talented at painting as you are at writing? 💕

PS: fuck God's plan. I like what Ram Dass had to say: "Your entire life is a curriculum. Everything you've got on your plate is where the stuff for your enlightenment is."

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HAHAHAHAHAHA this is going on a t-shirt. And I love that quote!!! that is literally it.

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May 15Liked by Melissa Cullens

Will be buying that shirt in multiples and sending as gifts ❤️

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Absolutely! And it always feels so satisfying publishing a piece involving a bit of intellectual wrestling 🤼

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“Even when I wanted to sit down and make art I felt paralyzed by the inability to wander around in my own mind.” I think many of us can identify with this lack of space and wandering to truly switch off so that we can get into full creative (and receiving creativity) mode. I enjoyed reading!

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Oh thank you so much Joanna! It is hard, isn’t it? When the world around us needs so much of our attention and always seems to be in a hurry. Beauty needs space and time to approach!

Thanks so much for letting me know — these comments really do make me feel like the absolute WRESTLING with an idea is worth while.

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“Not only was there no Dream Job that fit perfectly and unlocked their singular purpose in life, there wasn’t even a singular career. The paths were messy — there were starts and stops, big gambles, hard work and some burn out. They were connected by their wandering. If something captivated their interest, they’d master the industry and skills needed to do it well — opportunities that were lucrative but mechanical were left by the wayside.”

Love this insight! I think it’s a particular human affliction to seek “purpose.” What is the “purpose” of a tree, flower, bird, or dolphin? Their purpose (if that’s the right word) is to live the life that’s in them. I’m guessing it’s only us humans that live the life that’s in us by asking what it “means” to live the life that’s in us.

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thank you Dan! I think you nailed it.

I have honestly had a hard time coming around to this understanding of the world — there's a bit of ego death involved IMHO. Once I got over myself, I was able to really change around how I spend my time. I optimize for what I love — people, creativity, curiosity.

Thanks for taking the time to comment!

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